The Georgia State Senate has now approved HB 237 that will make foreclosure fraud a crime in Georgia. Well you might be asking what is foreclosure fraud and how does it work? Typically, here in America we are seeing to big to fail Banks and now government institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Bank Of America, and many others actually illegal foreclosure on a home owner without due process and allot of the time actually don't even have the power to do so if the Security deed and Warranty deed are interpreted and read correctly in protecting home owners fundamental rights. more at:
The mass over kill with Robo-signing and almost like spam in your mailbox trash of how these mortgages have been handled to push them out as fast as possible, like sending a mass spam e-mail is what's happening also to further the problem. Lately, it has seemed there is no end to the corruption in our financial system that has encouraged these practices and even betting on them to work to line the corporate fat cats with more cash as the bets get larger that distressed home owners will default and will certainly no be able to qualify for a RE-Finanace of their mortgage or restructure on the loan. This is all at the expense of the middle class and another sign we need to return to sound money, and stop monetizing debt and go back to a sold currency actually backed by gold. And not some worthless fiat currency we have today in our US dollar, its only a matter of time when the world will eventually awaken to the fact that America is no longer good on their debts as they continue to print phony money at the federal reserve that inflates our dollar to the real conclusion that our money can't buy anything any more and has no real purchasing power. If we actually read the constitution we would see only Gold and Silver tender was acceptable in any offering for goods or services, but I worry that our media propaganda today will never tell that truth and the system of wheels will keep spinning till eventually this whole mess implodes and falls apart.
The foreclosure mess I believe will worsen and only make matters worse as home values will continue to decline. This will transition the US economy into a deeper recession, possible a depression and take us back like 30-50 years in terms of our GDP to debt ratio, true unemployment rate, and global position in the world as a military giant and super power. I hate to tell the truth when its this dim but unless we see serious and radical fiscal change in America this is ultimately where we are headed. My only hope for someone I believe would bring these types of changes is Ron Paul. But the establishment is scared to death of this man, and too worried about there jobs to care for America's well being. To make matters worse- The media manipulates the truth so well these days the majority of America will vote for whoever there told to vote for, there is no other thought process beyond the commercials and the Super Pacs. Yes its that bad and the politicians know that and will use it to the best of there ability. If Obama is re-elected for a second term in our nation I believe it will mark the day for some grave changes ahead, not for the liberty of America and its citizens but the control of the government to manipulate its people and turn our country into a socialist society. I hate to think it but maybe even a military state where the majority of our rights are taken from us.
Regardless what side of the fence you land on this, the system of bells and whistles we call America can't continue on this path. Even from a pure numbers perspective its not sustainable with about a 16 trillion dollar deficit to keep this going and not even balance our budget. Frankly, our nations GDP will soon not even be able to pay the interest payments on our debts. So what happens after that? I know its anyone's guess but I would love to hear your thoughts.
everything from Debt, Foreclosure, Credit Cards, Mortgages, Bankruptcy, Personal Investing, Day Trading, Futures, Forex, Gold, Stocks, Options, Savings Plans, Bonds and much more. so stick around...
Monday, April 9, 2012
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